Monday, March 16, 2009

Spring for Break


Sunday was a great day at the farm. We secured four more raised beds and covered them to expedite the growing process. We planted raspberries, more radishes, and a whole bunch of microgreens for our future salad mixes. We also planted some rosemary and thyme. A friendly neighbor has offered to give us some of her old Strawberries and some ornamentals. Thanks to all who came out to help and all who have shown support. It was rainy back and forth, but we had a great time playing musical layers with our clothes and chasing geese. Below are pictures from the day:
Can you see our little raspberry canes? I just learned that I've been spelling raspberry wrong for my entire life. Did you you know that there was a 'p' in there?

Little Rosemaries and Thymes along the border of the test plot. The smell so nice!

We stuck around late after warm soup, bread and chocolate for lunch!

Like a family. With more covered beds...

Axcelle, Sam and Homestead

Baby Radishes. Hello baby radishes :)


Come visit us someday soon. This week we'll be finishing soil amendment and covering our raised beds and planting in all of them. Get ready for a harvest in 2-3 weeks. YES! Come visit us sometime soon.
Love, The Farm <3

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